Tag Archives: MVP

Most Valuable Performer @ Zycat 2015

Super excited to announce that I was awarded MVP at Zycat – Zycus’ annual awards function. Here is the video snip:

Prasad Gupte awarded Most Valuable Performer at Zycat 2015

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And the transcript:

Prasad has been rated highly as an Excellent Mentor, Great Communicator and a person with amazing convincing skills by peers.

“With him in place, half the battle is won” – that’s what the Sales team thinks about him. (He) has been instrumental in creating positive influence for Zycus Products in non-US markets, especially for P2P. He was a key contributor in our first S2P deal.

Apart from helping Sales team in winning deals, also plays key role in defining the product roadmap & mentoring the downstream PMG team.

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