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Most Valuable Performer @ Zycat 2015

Super excited to announce that I was awarded MVP at Zycat – Zycus’ annual awards function. Here is the video snip:

Prasad Gupte awarded Most Valuable Performer at Zycat 2015

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And the transcript:

Prasad has been rated highly as an Excellent Mentor, Great Communicator and a person with amazing convincing skills by peers.

“With him in place, half the battle is won” – that’s what the Sales team thinks about him. (He) has been instrumental in creating positive influence for Zycus Products in non-US markets, especially for P2P. He was a key contributor in our first S2P deal.

Apart from helping Sales team in winning deals, also plays key role in defining the product roadmap & mentoring the downstream PMG team.

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Recipe: Baked chicken sandwich

Continuing with recipes using shredded chicken as the key ingredient, here is another one that I was keen on trying.


Baked Sandwiches
Baked Sandwiches
  • 8 slices of Multi-grain/Whole-wheat bread
  • 2 Tomatoes, sliced
  • 1 Onion, chopped
  • 1 Garlic clove
  • 1 Egg, whipped
  • 2 tbsp Milk
  • 4 Cheese slices
  • Olive Oil (or butter)
  • Shredded chicken
  • Barbecue sauce
  • Mustard sauce
  • Pepper
  • Chili flakes
  • Lemon juice
  • Thyme (optional)
  • Red wine (optional)


Setting up the layers
Setting up the layers
  • Add Barbecue sauce, Mustard sauce, Pepper, Chili flakes, Lemon juice, and if available Red wine & Thyme to the shredded chicken. Leave it to marinate for an hour
  • Heat some butter in a saucepan to saute the onions with garlic. Once cooked, add the chicken and mix well.
  • Grease the baking tray and lay bread slices.
  • Layer the chicken, tomato slices, cheese and sprinkle salt/pepper to taste. Cover the top with a slice.
  • Add some milk, and beat the egg. Pour this over the top slice.
  • Place the tray in an oven, and bake at 375′ for 30 mins.

Serve hot!

Recipe: Cheese Nachos with Baked Beans


Basic ingredients
Basic ingredients
  • Cornito (or other) Corn chips
  • Canned Baked Beans (Sil @ Big Bazaar)
  • Mozzarella Cheese
  • Finely chopped vegetables: tomato, onions, capsicum, olives, jalapenos
  • Salt, pepper, oregano to taste


Preparing to bake
  • Arrange the nachos at the bottom of the baking dish
  • Spread vegetables and then baked beans over the nachos
  • Then shred the mozzarella cheese as per your dietary requirement 🙂
  • Add additional layers if you’d like to bulk-produce
  • Bake in the over at 180c for 5 mins before serving

Continue reading Recipe: Cheese Nachos with Baked Beans

Recipe: Enchiladas with Chicken & Baked Beans

I feel in love with Enchiladas back in 2010 when I first had them at Sammy Sosa. Since then, I’ve tried them multiple times at home and  I just can’t get enough. If you have tortilla wraps & baked beans at hand, it only takes about 45 mins from start to serve.

Lunch with cousins
Lunch with cousins


  • Tortilla corn wraps (4)
  • Finely chopped onions & capsicum (1 each)
  • Chopped Olives & Jalapenos (6 each)
  • Tomato puree or ketchup (3/4 cup)
  • Baked beans (1/2 can)
  • Oregano, Tabasco sauce, Salt to taste
  • Mozarella cheese
  • Shredded/pulled chicken (Pre-cooked)

Continue reading Recipe: Enchiladas with Chicken & Baked Beans