Category Archives: Leadership

Jaffa Cakes & their VAT exemption

Jaffa Cake is a popular (& controversial type) of cake in Great Britain. McVitie’s (United Biscuits) is a notable brand selling Jaffa Cakes. It is controversial in the sense of its classification: it is produced as a cake and becomes hard like a (chocolate-covered) biscuit when stale. Incidentally, the former is exempt from VAT while the latter is charged at 15%. This story is about how McVitie’s proved that their product was a cake and never paid VAT.

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Jargon: Gemba

Gemba, in Japanese, means ‘the actual place’ or ‘the real place’. In business, gemba refers to the place where value is created; in manufacturing the gemba is the factory floor. Its use is extended in IT where the consultant is supposed to assist users at their place so as to make them comfortable with use of the system. It is also suggested that solutions to problems, improvements & ideas will come from going to the gemba. Continue reading Jargon: Gemba